Top 60 Best Digital Marketing Tools : Need To Increase Online Sales

Best Digital Marketing Tools
Best Digital Marketing Tools


By now you probably know a good handful of the best digital marketing tools and are using them to design and manage the marketing strategy of your business. Truth? If not, let me tell you that you have a serious problem.

Affiliate Disclosure: Listen, I’m working my ass off delivering value to you. So, yes this blog is monetized through affiliate products. They are true recommendations and if you purchase them, I probably earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). 

Hey! I am Rakib Roky from Blog Zono dot com. Let me tell you, how to find the best digital marketing tools for starting a blog or website? Details about digital marketing tools whatever it is? Why it is needed and how does it work? Which are practically researched. Read things patiently and hopefully benefit confirm….

Whatever your case, you have come to the right place. In this post, I will share with you a huge list of digital tools for companies and businesses with which you can:

Multiply your productivity.

Access critical data and metrics.

Improve the results of your digital strategy.

Some of these tools have free versions that should be more than enough to carry out certain tasks. However, in most cases, they also have a payment method with added functionalities and totally professional results.

Selection of the best digital marketing tools

As you can imagine, there are countless tools for digital marketing. This list tries to be a wide selection of the best options in each field, but feel free to suggest those others that you consider essential and are not included.

Let’s go there.

Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing tools are a basic resource for when it comes to being in contact with the list of subscribers to your business website.

As you may already know, Inbound Marketing has represented a whole evolution in terms of lead management and the creation of email flows.

It would be somewhat questionable for me to ask you email marketing options that, in a way, I consider technologically outdated. However, I am aware that there are digital marketing projects that have very limited resources. It is in these cases, when it may make sense to use traditional email marketing tools.

For everything else… Marketing Automation.

1.Aweber Get Response

They are two of the best conventional email marketing tools for digital marketing. However, they offer such similar functionality that it is almost impossible to choose between one or the other. They are suitable for small and medium-sized projects.

2. Mailchimp

It has not yet been surpassed as one of the most used tools in SMEs for mass mailing of emails, and even surveys.


It is an email marketing tool for those who are looking to customize their mailings and are not afraid to do some HTML programming.

Before a Mailchimp, with drag and drop functionalities, in PutsMail you can upload your HMTLs and test them before sending.   

It is one of Mailchimp’s main competitors and, among its advantages, stands out the fact that its servers are located in Spain, which contributes to providing greater security with respect to compliance with data protection regulations.

4. Mailrelay

Mailrelay is also of Spanish origin and it is one of the most established email marketing tools in our market. One of its greatest attractions is its free account.

Marketing Automation Tools

5. Hubspot

It was the pioneer in terms of Marketing Automation platforms. It allows the qualification of leads, an adaptation of workflows based on user behavior, integration with CRMs, and creation of personalized content.

If you don’t want to or can’t afford this tool, it’s okay, there is life beyond Hubspot.

6. Sharpspring

It is one of our favorite best digital Marketing Automation tools, due to its simplicity and versatility. It offers similar features to Hubspot and has a considerably simpler interface.


It allows you to create conversion funnels to accelerate engagement with your leads and purchase cycles. It is based on the distribution of personalized content, adapted to the buyer persona and that is interesting for them. Its dashboard is powerful for monitoring user interactions with content so that you get a very clear map of their activities.


It helps you maximize your sales cycle by offering you solutions so that you deliver the right content, at the right time. It includes loyalty solutions, sales, lead generation, corporate education: all in a single tool that you can customize to your liking.

More than a CRM


As you may have noticed by now, we’ve started posting a good deal of SalesForce related content. This is because we have a team specialized in this tool. Salesforce serves as a Marketing Automation platform and offers a multitude of added functionalities.

10.To sell

It is the Inbound Marketing and Marketing Automation tool created by Salesforce. Its use has spread rapidly due to its powerful integration capacity (Google Analytics and Adwords). At ShowerThinking we are specialists in Pardot and we use it every day for lead management.

Indispensable Tools For Content Marketing


It is a content marketing tool that facilitates the distribution of content based on the user’s actions on your site and their search history. It is also used to carry out segmented emailing campaigns and other multichannel marketing actions.  


This tool is essential if you want to have a detailed vision of what content is most viral on the Internet and create a content plan that is up to par. It has a search engine with multiple segmentation criteria: language, country, type of content, or the age of content, among others.


It is ideal to know what content and questions are repeated more frequently in the sector or online niche of your business. In addition, it offers the opportunity to interact with countless professionals and students from the field of entrepreneurship and business. It is a digital tool for the English-speaking market.


It is for those content marketing professionals who want to make sure that what is published on their blog or website has not been previously published on another portal. It is an essential resource for those who have outsourced the creation of articles and other texts.


In this platform, you will find a series of comprehensive services to carry out your video marketing campaigns. Brightcove makes it easy to deliver videos to all types of destinations and devices with their suite of video tools: Anywhere TV, Cloud Video, Video Marketing Suite, OTT Video, and more.


Ideal for medium and large companies that want to take advantage of their employees as “spokespersons” for the brand. It is based on content curation and social sharing. You organize in a single site the publications from various sources in a kind of digital magazine that your company’s workers access every day and then they share it on their social media.

Tools to easily create and edit content

Visual and interactive content is an incredible source of traffic and a safe bet if you want to get some attraction on social media.

If you don’t have a graphic designer –something I recommend–, then I suggest you make use of the following tools.


It is one of the best online resources to create infographics. It has templates already configured according to themes so that everything is much easier. However, it is also possible to start an infographic from scratch.


It has burst into the world of digital marketing tools with a very original proposal. It’s about interactive infographics; that is, visual content that reacts to what the user does. If you want to add a touch of dynamism to your business website, I recommend this great tool.


Finally, I didn’t want to end this listing with an option to create animated videos. There are many options out there. Simply put, Powtoon offers great ease of use and, above all, speed when creating content.

20. Canva

It is the ideal tool for those who must design presentations, banners, graphics, ebook covers, and other visual elements but are not designers. Canva is easy to use (drag and drop) and its results are professional quality. In addition to free options, you have hundreds of images and fonts for only $ 1 each.

21.Haiku Deck

In the same vein as Canva, but only focused on presentations for iPad and iPhone. It is a tool that simplifies the creation of presentations. They have spectacular images (40 million total), a wide typographic diversity, and filters to create extraordinary slides.

22. PicMonkey

It landed a little earlier than Canva in the digital universe and has a huge following, delighted with the versatility and ease of use of this visual content design tool.


If you have little time to write, but you are one of those who like to wrap yourself up in long subordinate sentences, this tool will help you gain conciseness in your texts. It tells you how easy your article is to read as it analyzes the length of sentences, the use of adverbs, active and passive voices.


If you think your company can exploit videos more, jump to interactive video with Play film. As easy as uploading your videos and editing them so that the user can create a tailor-made audiovisual experience.

SEO and SEM Tools


When it comes to EMS, it may not have the same good reputation in the inbound field and may even be rejected frequently, but as I have indicated several times in the past, it is one of the most common lies of the Inbound marketing agencies.

Let’s start with the first …

Specifically, when it comes to using SEO tools, we must differentiate between on-page, off-page analysis, keyword analysis, search engine positioning tracking, and of course the complete suites.

25.Google Webmaster Tools

The tool provided by Google is essential in any digital project for the best digital marketing tools list. It offers a large number of insights about your own web page, including an analysis of the ranking of the keywords with which it appears in the search results, a large number of questions related to the domain configuration – such as the preferred domain, redirects, etc.–, an analysis of internal and external links, as well as the most common errors related to the health of the domain.

26.Screaming Frog

It is essential when detecting problems with on-page optimization, such as broken links, internally duplicated content, the anchor text of the links, errors in the indexing of the content, the status of the meta-tags, the analysis of the robots.txt file, and the size of the files. Screaming Frog is a must.

27.Google Pagespeed Insights

The loading speed of a web page is one of the most important ranking factors. The tool offered by Google also includes specific recommendations on how to correct possible errors or improve what is not optimized.

28.Pingdom Website Speed Test

This free tool is used to analyze the loading speed of a website, as well as other relevant characteristics such as the size of the content hosted on it.


GTmetrix is ​​a key SEO tool since it allows you to analyze the loading speed of your website, to proceed with its subsequent optimization.

It is remarkably easy to use and uses a combination of Google PageSpeed ​​Insights and YSlow to provide scores and accompanying recommendations


It is one of the best complete suites for SEO monitoring of a project, allowing analysis and monitoring of the ranking of the contents of your website in search engines and all related aspects, it is already the on-page analysis, the impact on social media or competitor links

30.Google Keyword Planner

The planner provided by Google is an obligatory stop, both for those who want to do a keyword study for organic positioning and for those who are planning an AdWords campaign.


Ubersuggest is a keyword research tool that is especially helpful when it comes to discovering long-tail searches. Among other things, it allows the investigation and organization of keywords by adding letters to the beginning and end of the main keyword.

32. SEMrush

It is also an excellent suite that we use in our Inbound Marketing agency, both to analyze SEM campaigns and to make a generalized analysis of our positioning and that of the competition. It is very useful for doing keyword research -especially in markets with a lot of search volume-, as well as spying on the efforts that the competition is making in their AdWords and organic positioning campaigns.

33.Majestic SEO

When it comes to choosing a backlink analysis tool it is almost impossible to decide which digital marketing tools are the best. Majestic offers you a complete list of inbound links according to the URL, including the anchor text, the detection date, as well as the value and quality of the said link, based on which it establishes two levels of reliability and credibility of your own website. , known as Citation Flow and Trust Flow.

34. Ahrefs

It’s one of the tools we use the most at ShowerThinking. Not only does it offer an excellent analysis of its own backlinks and that of the competition, but it also includes other features related to on-page optimization and the virality of content published on the Internet. It is quite complete.

35. Benchmarking tool

As you can imagine, several of the above tools are essential to spy on the competition, especially if your purpose is to emulate their SEO strategy for creating backlinks. However, it is not all about the inbound link profile.

36. SimilarWeb

This tool provides a large amount of data about other web pages, such as the estimated volume of traffic and its origin, the number of page views, the bounce rate, the keywords for which they have good positioning, etc. . Indispensable if you want to know the strategy and the state of the competition.

Tools To Create And Share Presentations Online

37. Slideshare

The main advantage that Slideshare has over the rest of the tools for creating online presentations lies in the high authority of LinkedIn, the social network that owns this tool.

38. Prezi

It became very popular a few years ago, thanks to its novel way of presenting presentations with rotation and zoom effects totally unknown until then.

39. Google Presentations y Powerpoint

Obviously, Google Presentations and Powerpoint could not be missing in this collection of online marketing tools. Both are used in a very similar way and offer collaborative work modalities; something that is increasingly present in the Premium versions of this type of the best digital marketing tool for creating presentations.

40. It’s over

I have added Emaze to this list due to the fact that it is probably the fastest tool when it comes to creating online presentations. Although it has limited functionality, it is easy to use. In addition, it is possible to incorporate voice commands to carry out the presentations.

Content curation tools

Those who know me well know that I’m not exactly a fan of content curation tools. What’s more, I’ve been quite critical of certain ineffective social media practices in the past.

However, I am aware that there are many people who may be interested in having a good selection of resources to curate the content that is on the Internet.

41. Cleanse

The most interesting thing about Curata is its Content Curation Software that allows you to recognize the content that will work best in your community. It is very easy to handle and helps you publish anytime, anywhere.

42. EveryPost

Ideal for creating and publishing content from a single site. With Everypost it is possible to group multimedia content from different social media and also publish it on these platforms.

43. ContentGems

The best tool to discover quality content. And then you can easily distribute it in newsletters, your business intranet, social media, etc.

44. Feedly

Feedly is an RSS reader, designed to quickly monitor the new content published on your favorite websites and blogs. It allows you to organize them in folders. That way, you are up to date with the main news in your sector.


With Flipboard, you can create your own fully personalized digital magazine. This tool allows you to choose the topics of the news you want to read, as well as the corresponding categories and subcategories. That way, it will be easier for you to share the content on social networks.

Tools For Management and Prospecting in Social Networks

46. LinkedIn Sales Navegator

It is one of the little gems that we use at ShowerThinking when we have to tackle B2B projects. It is an analysis and prospecting tool on LinkedIn that has no comparison in the digital world to approach a Social Selling strategy with guarantees of success.

47. Coschedule

This is the tool that we also currently use at ShowerThinking to schedule all of our posts on social media. It is integrated with WordPress and Buffer. All the blog posts that you have created in WordPress can be examined in a calendar and easily scheduled for dissemination on social networks.

48. Hootsuite

The main advantage of Hootsuite is that it allows the management of a large number of social networks at the same time, as well as teamwork in the same account. The analytical reports of the free version are somewhat limited, it is best to hire the Premium version.

49. Buffer

The free version of Buffer allows you to schedule and manage posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and a Google+ page, as well as add alternative videos or photos to shared posts. In addition, it indicates the optimal times in which to share certain content.

50. Tweetdeck

If the strength of your social media strategy is based on Twitter, then Tweetdeck is the digital marketing tool you need. Among many other things, it allows you to see and send tweets, as well as keep up to date with mentions and notifications on this social network.

51. Bitly

If you want to share your content on social networks, you need a URL shortener like Bitly’s. It is one of the many shorteners available in the digital universe. However, it has the advantage that it is possible to customize the URL in order to optimize the CTR.

Tools to Monitor the Online Presence of your Brand

The creation of a personal brand and the protection of the corporate image of your business should be part of your priorities in the digital world. To do this, it is essential to monitor everything that is said on the Internet, as well as the mentions of those topics that are related to the field of your business.

That’s a bit tricky, isn’t it?

Nobody is aware that trying to monitor all the content that is published every day on the network is an impossible task. For that, there are online content monitoring tools. You just have to configure them, so that you are notified when those keywords you want to have under your radar are mentioned on the Internet.

52. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is the Internet monitoring tool provided by Google itself. Although it is by no means the only content that it tracks, it is especially suitable for tracking news sources.

Mention does not have the same reliability as Google Alerts, in terms of the quality of the mentions reported, but, in return, it seems to be much more aware of mentions on web portals that are not necessarily newscasts, such as blogs and online forums.

53. SproutSocial

Designed to track the mentions your brand and keywords receive on social media. It allows you to find engagement opportunities and discover influencers; as well as identify the sentiment towards your brand through its reports.

The scope and value of social interactions are still, today, an incredibly difficult factor to measure. I know this very well because, for several years, our agency specialized in Social Media, until we decided to take the step towards Marketing Intelligence.

54. Klout

Klout is probably the digital social influence measurement tool that has generated the most controversy. This is due to the scoring system it uses to measure the degree of interaction. On the other hand, you should bear in mind that the engagement achieved on Twitter is one of the main qualification criteria, so if you don’t have a profile on this network, don’t bother using Klout.

It has great respect and credibility in the world of social media, thanks to the fact that it monitors a huge number of social networks. Use 4 different criteria to measure influence: strength, feeling, passion, and reach.

Tools to measure influence on social media

55.LinkedIn Pulse

By now, you should know that at ShowerThinking we are fans of LinkedIn Pulse and it is part of the social media strategies we employ with our B2B clients.

By the way, if you want to increase your influence on LinkedIn, you should try LinkedInbound.

56. Social Mention

Don’t you know him yet?

LinkedInbound is the best way to sell more on LinkedIn.

Tools to create paid ads (ads)

If your goal is to drive traffic using paid ads, also known as ads, here are the following platforms. Our comments will help you to know which one has the greatest potential to attract your target audience.

57. Google Ads

Google is the largest search engine in the world, so you will undoubtedly enjoy using their advertising tool to improve your brand’s results on this search engine. Google Ads offers features to create ads on search engine results pages, remarketing, display network banners, and more.

This is just one of the many tools that Google has. We also prepare a guide to use Google Forms in case you want to use the forms as the best digital marketing tool.

Note: In the list of the best Google tools there is an entire section dedicated to services and applications to improve your site’s SEO and data analytics. Check the full list by following the link.

58. Facebook Ads

As for advertising within Facebook, the way to do it is to invest in ads through Facebook Ads, the social network platform dedicated to helping you find and get closer to a defined audience through detailed filters, information about the target audience. and retargeting resources.

59. Instagram for business

Instagram is part of Facebook, and with more than 1,000 million users per month according to Hootsuite statistics, it could not pass up the opportunity to have its own ad platform.

This will allow you to develop your business on the social network, generating awareness and dissemination of your brand and increasing the number of clients through resources dedicated to helping you engage your audience, either with advertising in the form of publications or stories.

And if that wasn’t enough, here are more strategies to apply on Instagram.

60. YouTube Ads

Would you like to show ads on YouTube videos? To do this, you will need to use YouTube Ads, one of the best digital marketing tools for those who want to create ads aimed at an audience that consumes the video format as their favorite content.


Best Tools for Digital Marketing: start with the simplest

I am sure that, after reading this list, you will be experiencing a certain sense of anxiety about the number of digital marketing tools on the market.

Do not worry. They are symptoms of intoxication or information overload. So calm down and we go step by step.

First, make sure you have a clear digital marketing strategy in place. I recommend you download these contents:

  • Complete checklits to create a Digital Marketing strategy.
  • Guide to implement an Agile Inbound Marketing & Sales strategy in 60 days .

Once you know the specific needs of your business, choose the tools that you really need.

And if you have any questions, you can ask me and I will gladly respond in the comments.


Did you find the Best digital marketing tools you were looking for?

I hope that our updated list has helped you find all the tools you need to optimize your strategies, even those that you did not know you needed but that will help you improve the performance of your campaigns and start achieving the results you want.

And do not forget that there is no point in attracting traffic to your web pages and optimizing your strategies if you are not prepared to receive more visitors.

Take the opportunity to install JivoChat for free on your website and improve customer retention by offering an online chat that allows you to talk to them and answer their questions in real-time.

In the end, Basically, all the best tools for digital marketing are briefly described in this article.

From which you can generate an idea in a specific way. I can say without hesitation, if you start working according to my instructions, you will definitely be able to do something good in this digital marketing sector in the future.

And yes, it is safe to say that I did the same thing. Hopefully, you will get good results. Thank you.

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